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Online Banking System

For full experience in demo - deposit, withdraw and check financial reports

Book Search

Fetching relevant book data from third-party library and displaying the results dynamically.

Book Store

Book Store Ecommerce System with Django

Online Shop (Ecommerce)

Online Shop Project with Django

From Setup to Deployment

Full-Stack Blog Development with React.js and Django

Building a Modern Employee Management System with React.js and Django

This guide will cover the essential CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) functionalities, ensuring that our EMS can handle the fundamental operations needed for managing employee data.

Modern eCommerce Fusion: React.js, Django, and Braintree Showcase

Explore my eCommerce project, a seamless fusion of React.js and Django, powered by Braintree for secure, effortless checkout experiences. From elegant product browsing to streamlined payments

Adaptable Dashboard: HTML and CSS Innovation Across Technologies

A sleek and intuitive dashboard project crafted with HTML and CSS, designed to inspire seamless integration across various technology stacks. It offers limitless potential for adaptation to different technologies, ensuring versatility and innovation at every turn.